Nutrition for exam period

The period of examination and tests is considered one of the most tense periods, so parents usually take care that their children get good nutrition to help them focus and study and to provide them with the necessary substances to boost their energy and mental effort during such period.


1. Hibiscus consumption in the evening helps you to relax.
2. Liquorice consumption helps you to be active and focus more.
3. Consume tamarind. It's better to consume it on an empty stomach and half a glass after a meal in the evening.
4. Consuming ginger is very useful for the brain and nerves.
5. Consume cocoa because it contains a large proportion of high nutritional value of 10% carbohydrates and 6% protein and 6.5% fat, sodium, phosphorus and iron, as well as, it contains caffeine and people usually add milk to increase its usefulness.
6. Consume green tea, or red tea with lemon or milk to reduce the harmful effect on the ration of iron in the body. Also, adding a little milk helps in the tannic acid deposition which prevents constipation.
7. Follow a balanced diet: 50% raw fresh foods and juices, where most of the food is of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
8. Consume fermented dairy regularly, such as yogurt and buttermilk, to overcome the chronic stress.
9. Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day at a rate of a cup of water every two or three hours throughout the day.
10. Tepid water showers in the morning helps you to concentrate, but people with heart diseases or circulatory system problems or any serious health problems should consult their doctor first.
11. Eat zucchini and pumpkins in all their forms.
12. Exercise regularly, a sound mind in a sound body.
13. Make sure to sleep and rest for your brain to focus.
14. Eating spinach and tomatoes increases the secretion of substances that stimulate the brain.
15. Eating nuts and peanuts helps to stimulate the brain.
16. Eat fish 3 days a week to help you focus.
17. The best types of proteins that stimulate the brain and help you focus are salmon, mackerel, sardines and eggs.
18. Eating red meat.




1. Do not consume hibiscus if you suffer co-oxalate stones in the kidney.
2. It is advised to minimize the consumption of cocoa in general or refrain from consuming it for patients with intestinal disorders, colon and liver problems.
3. Do not drink warm milk since it forms gas in the stomach.
4. Do not drink boiled tea.
5. Do not boil any herbs before drinking.
6. Do not consume a lot of coffee as it contains a lot of caffeine, which can cause insomnia and tension.
7. Do not eat oysters, fried foods, salty foods, packaged and canned foods, sugar and white flour.
8. Do not eat spinach and tomatoes before bedtime.
9. Do not eat fish without salad to benefit the most from the vitamins and minerals found in fish.

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