The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Weight While Pregnant - What exercises are safe during your pregnancy?

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Weight While Pregnant - What exercises are safe during your pregnancy?

Women who are either over or underweight during the pregnancy face a higher risk of complications.  Research conducted by the University of Washington on a group more than 300 women, both over- and underweight, observed similar health risks to both mother and fetus throughout the stages of the pregnancy.


Researchers revealed that obesity during pregnancy increased the risk of high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, as well as premature births or stillbirths.  At the same time, researchers warned that underweight mothers also faced increased risks, most notably that of a premature birth. 


I am pleased to offer the following tips for pregnant women avoid obesity through exercise. 


•    Pregnancy does not mean that a woman should abandon all physical activity, nor should she begin to exercise more vigorously.  She needs to find a compromise comfortable for her.

•    Women should follow simple rules and take precautions, particularly after the first trimester.

•    Women who are used to exercising regularly may continue to do so during their pregnancy, provided that they remain in good health and refrain from high-impact exercise. 

•    Consult your doctor about your exercise regimen.


Why should you exercise during your pregnancy?


•    Exercise helps prepare you for delivery; rural women, who are used to physical activity, generally have an easier delivery compared to urban women, who have a more sedentary lifestyle.

•    Exercise can help develop your abdominal muscles.

•    Increased skin health and elasticity.

•    Helps to maintain a healthy weight

•    Improves mental and emotional well-being

•    Helps improve respiratory health and capacity, which is, in turn, important during delivery.  Studies have shown that women who play sports have a lower rate of Caesarean sections compared to those who do not.


Recommended Sports


Some sports are safer than others during pregnancy, and do not pose a health risk to the fetus.


•    Walking.  This is a sport for everyone!  Even women who aren’t used to working out can walk throughout their pregnancy in order to stay healthy.

•    Swimming.  Swimming can be a relaxing and satisfying exercise.  It helps improve cardiovascular and respiratory health.  Specialists often advise pregnant women to swim on their backs.

•    Aerobics.  Aerobics practiced in moderation can be beneficial.  Your workout should not exceed 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week, and be sure that you properly warm up beforehand. However, please avoid strenuous exercise, as it is important to maintain cardiovascular health.

•    Cycling. Some women enjoy cycling during their pregnancy, but you need to be careful, particularly towards the end of your pregnancy.



Sports to avoid


Some sports should be avoided, as they pose a risk to the mother or her fetus, especially after the first trimester. 


•    Sports that carry the risk of falling; these include equestrian sports, skiing, and sports where your center of balance is important.

•    Sports that could potentially injure the abdomen.  These include martial arts and some self-defense sports.

•    Tennis and running should also be avoided, as they cause unnecessary agitation for the fetus, and run the risk of strains.