The Health Benefits of Kiwis

According to the American website "Health Day News,” even though kiwis are small, they contain amazing health benefits. Fifty men and 68 women, 55 years old,  who participated  in the  study were asked to eat either 3 kiwis or one apple a day for eight weeks. At the end of the study, those given the kiwis showed a decrease in cholesterol of 3.6 mm, more than those who were given the apple. According to Oslo University Hospital, which conducted the study, eating three kiwis a day was more beneficial, with regards to blood pressure, than eating an apple a day.

Dr Nihal Mehta of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, said the study placed kiwis on "map" of health, but recommended them in moderation, and that kiwi consumption, in conjunction with a healthy diet, could benefit the heart.