Nutritious foods while studying in the winter
Nutritious foods while studying in the winter
1. The water, to improve and increase the brain activity and stimulate thinking and memory activity focus, so you should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses a day for adolescents and adults and at least 5 to 6 cups of young school-age and at least 4 to 5 for kids.
2. Different kinds of nuts and popcorn is able to prevent aging from reaching the brain and stop the effect of Alzheimer because of the antioxidants.
3. Dark chocolate, coffee, green tea, dark chocolate 'Cocoa ore' with some milk in the morning or a simple cup of coffee or Nescafe adolescent helps to contain them focus on antioxidants.
4. Types of berries and strawberries, studies concluded that these fruits protects brain cells from stress and exposure to oxidation and prevent the effects of Alzheimer's and it improved the ability to focus.
5. Spinach and leafy vegetables, liver, apples, artichokes, bananas 'sources of vitamin E and iron', vitamin E helps the brain tissue to increase the release of dopamine, which affects the flow of information in the brain, in addition to the iron, carotenoids and antioxidants prevent the deterioration of brain cells.
6- Fatty acids, fatty fish and omega-3 fatty acids that are available in fish such as tuna, salmon, mullet, herring, sardines and other important for brain health.
7. Grains as oats, barley, wheat, whole grains, even cornflakes help keep the brain.
8. Meals intra-feet of your child's meals interface nutritious contain some protein, such as cheese and eggs, as well as fruit and vegetables between breakfast and lunch at school meal or two and between lunch and dinner during the deliberation meal or two, it keeps the blood sugar levels.