Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis is one of the serious diseases that affect the central nervous system. It affects many parts of the nervous system. Symptoms vary greatly from person to another as it depends on the affected parts of the nervous system.

Stages of the disease:
- In the early stages, the patient suffers from dizziness and mood changes, and it is possible to feel depressed.
- Patients may suffer from vision disorders such as blurred or double vision, numbness, especially in the hands and feet, loss of balance and cramps.
- And suffering from the lack of clarity in speech may occur, shiver, fatigue and weakness and difficulty in breathing.
- With the increasing severity of the disease, walking disorders may develop, and in advanced stages rigor may occur, difficulty in breathing and disorders of the digestive tract and bladder may occur.
- Symptoms of multiple sclerosis appear in the form of sharp episodes called "Exacerbations" then these symptoms diminish or disappear at other intervals. In many cases, the disease develops slowly to disappear for some time and come back, but from time to time.

Causes of the disease:
1. The causes of this disease are unknown but there is a belief that it affects the immune system, it is usually preceded by exposure to pressure and malnutrition resulting from the perception of food absorption or eating food poor in nutrients.
2. Some researchers believe that an unknown virus may be linked to the disease.
3. Genetics also can play a role.
4. Another theory suggests that the cause of the disease may be due to cases of food intolerance or allergies, especially allergies to dairy products or gluten-containing protein.
5. It could also be due to chemical poisoning of the nervous system with pesticides or synthetic chemicals.
6. Finally, the diet can play a role in the incidence of the disease and this explains why it’s common in some countries and it is hardly heard of in other countries such as East Asian countries. Also, a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol consumption leads to the formation of hormone- like substances that increase the inflammatory response, as it also increases the graveness of symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Diagnosis of the disease usually begins between the ages of 25 to 40 years, and women are more affected by the disease than men.
In fact, there is no known cure for this disease, but a balanced diet may be helpful as it may decelerate or even cease the progression of the disease, especially for people who have short since showed symptoms.

Dietary supplements (vitamins) and should be consumed under medical supervision.
1. Assistant enzyme Q10, (dose is 90 mg) it improves blood circulation and activates the immune system.
2. Linseed oil or primrose oil or omega-3
3. Garlic capsules three times a day, as it resists toxic substances
4. Vitamin B complex, as well as Vitamin B6 and B12
5. Calcium and magnesium, as calcium deficiency may cause MS disease and magnesium is necessary for a better absorption of calcium.
6. Vitamin C which activates the formation of butane habitual to virus in the body (interferon 9), it is also an antioxidant and strengthens immunity.

Second:- Nutrition:
1. It is better to eat organic foods that are not chemically treated and without added chemicals such as organic eggs, fruits and gluten free grains.
2. Vegetarian meals are best for people suffering from Ms.
3. Eat large amounts of raw plant and foods containing lactic acid, such as leek and dill, as well as green drinks that contain a large amount of chlorophyll.
4. Eat copious amounts of vegetables with dark leaves, as they are a rich source of vitamin K.
5. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the muscles
6. Do not consume alcohol, barley, chocolate, coffee, dairy products, fried foods, meat, oats, wheat and refined foods.
7. Do not consume ready-made or canned or frozen food.
8. Consume fibers as a dietary supplement in order to avoid constipation, since the cleanliness of colon prevents the accumulation of toxins that may adversely affect the functions of the muscles.
9. Do not use saturated fats (animal fats and oils, hydrogenated oils or stored without refrigeration).
10 - Gluten intolerance may make a person more prone to the disease.

Finally, the latest of recent research suggests that there is a possible link between multiple sclerosis and infection with Candida disease that results in a weakening the immune system. Moreover, chronic fatigue, which often occurs with Candida disease, represents one of the most common complaints of multiple sclerosis patients. Therefore, treatment of Candida relieves fatigue and overstrain, which affects a lot of multiple sclerosis patients.
Researchers in Scandinavia apply therapy by eating essential fatty acids to reduce the recurrence of episodes of the disease.
Finally, some experts believe that mercury poisoning may be a cause of many of the morbid cases, it was found that mercury (located in teeth filler “amalgam”) combines with DNA acid in cells, where they found that the proportion of mercury in sclerosis patients is seven times equivalent to deaf persons.


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