Memory disorders and nutrition
Memory disorders and nutrition
From the book "300 questions in comprehensive nutrition"
By Dr. Cherifa Aboul Fettouh
Q: What are the causes of memory disorders and their connection with nutrition?
A: There are many reasons for memory disorders, which include:
- Pathological reasons: diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypofunction of glands, diabetes, allergies, Alzheimer's and others...
- Nutrition related reasons, which is what concerns us here. They include:
- Malnutrition: It is known that the blood nourishes the whole body, including the brain, if the blood is loaded with cholesterol and fat - as a result of malnutrition - the blood passing through to the brain becomes slow, which automatically affects the memory. Because there are 'neurotransmitters' in the brain that serve as the key to brain activation, which works efficiently in the case of normal blood flow and vice versa, so malnutrition leads to memory disorders.
As the existence or lack of certain healthy foods and vitamins may affect the memory positively or negatively, since they help the faster flow of blood to the brain, and they include:
- Manganese: is available in grains, legumes, avocado, and must be consumed moderately and away from calcium.
- Zinc: It is very important since it expels toxins from the brain, and it is found in yogurt, eggs, mushrooms and white pulp.
- Vitamin "B complex": It is very important since it's deficiency in the body leads to disturbances in the memory, and it is found in all animal products, grains and mushrooms.
And all of the above can be consumed in the form of pills or tablets (supplements) provided that it is consumed under medical supervision; because only the specialist doctor can determine what every human body needs and the necessary dosage.
It should be noted that the 'Bee Pollen Grains' is a very important food to enhance memory, provided that it is consumed under medical supervision because it may cause an allergic reaction for some people and it is also forbidden for allergy patients.
Q: What is Alzheimer's disease? Are there certain resistor foods?
A: Alzheimer's disease was discovered in 1907 by a German doctor named "Alzheimer", he dissected the 'brains' of some Alzheimer's patients after their deaths, and discovered a high proportion of the toxic element aluminum corresponding to a severe shortage of some important elements, especially the zinc component, as well as a lack of Vitamin "B 12", which is the main reason scientists linked between Alzheimer's disease and the increase in the toxic element, aluminum.
In England, for example, it was found that the proportion of aluminum found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients was more than 50% of that in normal human brain. And it was discovered that some of the causes of increase in the aluminum element in the human brain comes from drinking water because of pipes and taps that water run through.
And in the United States: they have discovered that fast food contains a high proportion of toxic aluminum. Also food containers lined with aluminum like juice cartons are another reason. In addition to, aluminum cooking pots, which have been banned completely there, and in many countries in the world the aluminum proportion lies between (2 to 3 mm), which is a very large percentage and therefore very harmful.
Therefore, we must take caution when using food products and other products used in our daily life. For example: There are some types of shampoo, deodorants and such where the aluminum proportion significantly increases, so they must be checked before use.
There are also types of "antacid drugs" that the "aluminum hydroxide" ratio increases in, which is highly critical to the brain.
All of the above mentioned about the aluminum applies to mercury, and any increase in the proportion of these two elements is very harmful to the human health.
So we should take caution and consider all healthy tactics when dealing with various products, whether products that we eat or use, as well as taking into consideration using manufactured vitamins or supplements under medical supervision.
Finally, following a proper healthy diet to maintain our health and certainly protect us against disease.
Q: What are the best cooking utensils after banning aluminum cooking utensils?
A: The better for your health, respectively:
1- Iron pots, but they may be somewhat rare.
2- Glassware or earthenware of a known source (must be soaked in water and vinegar for 24 hours before use to get rid of lead)
3- Utensils coated from the inside with "enamel"
4- Utensils made of stainless steel.
5- Non-stick cookware, on condition that they don't have any scratches.
Q: I am a lady suffering symptoms like that of Alzheimer's or can be called "selective memory", I remember things and forget about other things. I work is hard and need strong concentration and memory, which makes my situation a serious one. Are there certain foods that help to enhance memory? Especially that I consume manufactured vitamins (supplements), did not reach the desired result though.
A: Firstly, following a healthy diet based on eating all kinds of foods in moderation is a must, and according to scientific ratios concerning memory disorders that are as follows:
- 80% complex carbohydrate (unrefined), naturally created by God such as whole wheat or bran, porridge, rice with bran.. And so on.
- 10% protein.
- 10% fats.
And in case of lacking control in consuming any type of these foods, they can be replaced by supplements in the form of vitamins "B complex" or "B 12", zinc and selenium, as well as "Boron" that enhances memory and helps in the burning process of calories, you can find it in onions and raisins. You can prepare a meal including the three elements "zinc, selenium, and boron" and double the benefit by adding raisins on cornflakes.
As there are certain exercises to help enhance memory, such as:
- Holding your breath for 30 seconds every hour for ten consecutive days, it helps the blood flow to the brain faster and enhances memory.
- Write down your daily schedule of the different activities that you intend to do. The writing process itself helps to enhance the memory, as you do not need to return to your writing again because you remember them well.
- Solving crosswords: because it also helps to enhance your memory.
- And the most important thing that helps strengthen and enhance the memory is exercising outdoor on a regular basis. Any type of sport can be useful, may be walking for half an hour a day.
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