Fast food and your health

Fast food and your health

Does fast food nutritious?

 There is not a useful food and non-useful food, soft drinks that contain sugar and gases and caffeine but also contains thermal energy and fluids to the body so it can be said that there are good eating habits and bad eating habits. Frequent eating is bad dietary habits.

It is known that some fast food high in fat and cholesterol and sodium (salt), but at the same time many fast food rich in vitamins, minerals and protein, so the best advice is moderation in eating junk food with some guidance as grilled skinless chicken with brown bread, in addition to various kinds of fresh green salads and fresh orange juice, and all these are healthy and useful foods. The selection of the type of food from fast food restaurants is important for healthy meals and a chance to accustom our children food habits useful.

Why children eat fast food?

Fast food restaurants are an opportunity for the child to get rid of daily routines and replicating the same food at home.